Your Weekly Recap

Here are 6 pieces of content to make sure you don't get bored this Friday afternoon.

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Howdy partner,

Sorry, country music is playing at the bar I picked to write this. Got sucked into the experience.

You’re receiving a second mail from me this week. It’s my new approach.

The first mail unloads a big piece of text on your ass. In this weekly closure, I’m striving to give you 6 cool pieces of content. To get you fired up for the weekend.

  • 1 Question To provoke some thoughts.

  • 1 Quote To Inspire, motivate, or make you rethink your whole existence.

  • 1 Tweet I encountered and liked.

  • 1 Process a.k.a. a cool realisation I’ve written down on my website.

  • 1 Article I enjoyed reading because it taught me a lot.

  • 1 Meme that made me laugh


1 Question

If money wouldn’t be an issue,

would you still do what you’re doing right now?


1 Quote

(But not before you finish reading this newsletter and refer it to at least 20 friends 😛 )

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1 Tweet

1 Process

The Personal Touch: Why Incorporating Names in Marketing is a Game-Changer

Have you ever noticed how your ears perk up when your name floats through a crowded room or buzzes in a text message, even amidst a digital cacophony? This phenomenon is anchored in what's known as the Cocktail Party Effect, a term coined by cognitive scientist Colin Cherry in the 1950s.

Research in neuroscience resonates with this observation, revealing that hearing our own name not only captures our attention but also activates distinct brain regions associated with self-awareness and social processing. 

This principle transcends being a mere party trick; it embodies a potent tool in marketing, education, and beyond, emphasizing the value of a personal touch in navigating through the information overload of the contemporary world.

How annoying do you find it when people mispronounce your name?

If I received a penny for every email that replies to me with "Hey Edwin" (I’m Erwin, but thanks).

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The essence of one of the tactics delineated in the book "How to Win Friends and Influence People" is captured above.

Although the title might initially invoke skepticism, the content proves to be one of my enduring favorites. In this week’s highlighted article I delve into the subject matter. Following this segment, I will present a practical guide on how I incorporate these strategies.

Understanding and leveraging the power of names can significantly enhance personal and professional interactions. By adopting Dale Carnegie's timeless principles and integrating them into modern business practices like those in my webshop, we can foster deeper connections, improve customer satisfaction, and drive growth.

The essence of personalization, underpinned by the respect and recognition of an individual's identity through their name, is more than a strategy; it's a fundamental aspect of meaningful communication. As we navigate the complexities of the digital age, let's not forget the simple yet profound impact of a name, and strive to make every interaction count.

Read the article, with a detailed approach on my use of it in our webshop and tips to master this “Name Remembering Skill” on my website:

1 Article

How Bill Kerr scaled his newsletter to 28K subscribers while running a company.

1 Meme

Thanks for hanging in there.

See you next week.


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