Your Weekly Recap #9

Here are 9 Nuggets that will make you 1% smarter today.

Did you know that the 'gig economy' is not just a buzzword but a growing trend? According to recent studies, over 36% of U.S. workers are part of the gig economy, either through their primary or secondary jobs. This shift towards freelance and contract work opens up numerous opportunities for side hustles and entrepreneurial ventures.

Bonjour πŸ‘‹Β 

Welcome to your weekly closure edition #9. There are no longer 7 pieces of content. It’s 9 now. Curated to make you 1% smarter every time you open this email.


1 Question

If you had to start a side hustle with only $100, what would it be and why?

This question not only sparks creativity but also forces you to think lean and focus on the core value you can offer with minimal resources.

1 Quote

1 Tweet (Twix?)

1 Tip

Audit your digital presence today. Your online persona is your brand's first impression. Google yourself, review your social media profiles, and ensure they align with the professional image you want your digital business to project. Small inconsistencies can lead to big misunderstandings about who you are and what you offer.

1 Journal Prompt

Reflect on a skill or talent you possess that most people don't know about. How could you leverage this unique ability in your side hustle? Consider the steps you might take to incorporate this skill into your business idea or use it to solve a problem you've encountered in your daily life.


Not sure what your skills or talents are? Unlock your potential with the article below πŸ‘‡

1 Challenge

Reach out to someone in your network who has successfully run a side hustle and ask them for a 15-minute informational interview. Your challenge is to learn one new insight from their experience and write down how you could apply it to your own side hustle idea. This not only expands your knowledge but also strengthens your network.

1 Video

Since we talked about finding your skills and talents, here’s a fun Personality test you can take.

1 Meme


Thanks for hanging in there.

See you next week.


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